Saturday, November 26, 2011

Excerpt Magazine Launch

Burning the midnight oil is something I have become accustomed to of late. The design and Creative Direction of Excerpt Magazine is just one of my moonlighting activities. This experience has given me the chance to work with some really amazing thinkers, artists, writers and risk takers. Teaming up with editor Amy Marjoram has been a joy. Being an Aquarius, Amy is prone to zingy cerebral late night space walks, and other manifestos. There is no end to her energy and enthusiasm.

The launch of Excerpt Magazine a few weeks ago, has been a huge success so far. Last time I checked back end stats we had more than 3000 people download the magazine. Upward ever upward!

Thank you Dan Page for this review in broadsheet. Click here to read review 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sarah Watt (30 Aug 1958 – 4 Nov 2011)

It's hard not to sound full of wafty sentimental hyperbole when referring to the life of Sarah Watt. As a writer, Sarah was eloquent and incisive - never one to dance around the things that I will keep this brief.

The things that matter? Sarah mattered to me.  Last week Sarah Watt lost her battle with cancer. A battle she tackled with dignity and grace.

On our birthday - (we share the same date of August the 30th) we did a painting swap. In true Sarah Watt honesty, she told me she was extremely reluctant to give me her 'favourite piece'. Yesterday at the ACMI memorial this work was also featured in her montage.  It must have been special to her.

It makes me so sad that she is gone. But I have this great canvas...

Full of a strange joy.

 Copyright Sarah Watt  2011